lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Re-Imagining the Past: Maintaining Classroom Discipline (1947)

Time To Teach Teens: The Extremes of Experience                                                               Time To Teach Teens

I call this "Re-Imagining the Past" because nowadays everyone says we are still educating students just like we did more than a hundred years ago. When we "Re-Imagine the Past", we are able to understand the present and more importantly, to shape our future.

Some things change, and rightfully so, especially when we consider things like language and technology. But where human behaviour is concerned, we should not be surprised to recognise more similarities than differences. Indeed, some things have been, and most likely always will be, the same as they were 50 or 60 years ago, as in the video we have from 1947..

How do you manage a classroom?

The best answer to the question, of course, is not to be found in theory. Instead, we must answer the question in the actual conditions of the classroom. It is what the teacher does in practice that answers the question best.

So, how does the teacher apply the theory of educational psychology to actual, real students (as opposed to theoretical students)  in a classroom? Ay, there's the rub, the practice, day to day, in the classrooms of the world. This is a world where no two students are enough alike that we can treat them all the same way. Students aren't like that.

Some students, For example, will go through their entire school career, from pre-kinder to the end of high school, and never give a teacher any thing more difficult than the occasional low-level incidences of talking or not handing in an assignment on time. Other students will present teachers with a significantly higher degree of classroom management concerns to grapple with.

For beginners, are there any tried and tested solutions a new teacher should be given?  As you might guess, I don't think so. Half of the "fun" of being an educator is figuring out what you have to do in a given situation.

You see, life in a classroom is marked by the quality of the relationships the teacher is able to establish with the students. All teachers want to teach, are well prepared to teach, motivated and dedicated. We know that, and that is the first requirement for success in the classroom.

Love what you do, love teaching, be enthusiastic, be happy and cheerful (even when you're not), because at the end of the day, you have the best profession in the world. Yes, I'm talking about teaching.  For starters, our profession makes all the other professions possible.

Second, now that you are a happy, dedicated, motivated, energetic and enthusiastic teacher, let the positive aspects of who you are carry you and your students forward, throughout the year. There are some basic things you have to do, but remember, your ultimate success or failure is in your hands.

Finally, besides loving your profession, here are three more big ideas:

1. Be predictable. Your classroom should be a place where everyone knows what is going to happen, and when. That means rules and routines, which have to be planned and carried out consistently.

2. Be empathetic, which is not to be confused with sympathetic. Have enough patience to ask yourself why things are the way they are. If you are a good listener and a good observer, you will have the information you need to make good decisions.

3. Be fair, to your students, to yourself, and to the people who care about you. Being fair means the same thing in a classroom as in a court of law, namely, justice for all, equally applied, with both sides of any issue being carefully considered.

Well, that's three tips for classroom management, just like I promised. To finish, I have a video you will enjoy. It shows a teacher in a classroom, doing everything possible the wrong way. As you watch, ask yourself, "If I were the teacher in the video, what would I do differently? Why?




SIMCE en Inglés: Resultados más malos de lo esperado

SIMCE en Inglés: Resultados más malos de lo esperado

SIMCE en Inglés: resultados más malos de lo esperado
Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura
Desde que se tomó la decisión de aplicar una versión del SIMCE en inglés, la opinión que se expresó en muchos sectores es que si bien era un buen paso, probablemente los resultados no serían buenos. La verdad es que ahora que los resultados son conocidos por todo el país, muchos han debido reconocer que éstos han sido mucho peor de esperado.
Porqué peor?
1. Porque solamente 1 de cada 10 estudiantes puede manejar el inglés de manera aceptable y eso nos deja como país en una situación paupérrima, si queremos tener profesionales capaces de manejarse laboralmente en inglés, con un nivel de sofisticación aceptable que les permita elaborar ideas, escribir y entenderse verbalmente con personas de habla inglesa o con personas de otros idiomas, con quienes es más factible entenderse en lo que hoy está reconocida como la lengua universal del mundo de los negocios.
2. Porque el 1 de cada 10 estudiantes es un promedio, y como todo promedio oculta la verdad, ya que en un pequeño grupito de colegios chilenos que representan una proporción minúscula e insignificante, los estudiantes “se defienden” bien en el uso del idioma Inglés, mientras en la inmensa mayoría de los colegios chilenos, pagados, municipalizados y subvencionados los estudiantes no alcanzan el nivel mínimo que les pueda servir de base para poder seguir aprendiendo y menos para funcionar en el mundo moderno y globalizado de hoy.
3. Porque uno de los principales factores que inciden en estos resultados desastrosos es queno hay suficientes profesores de inglés en Chile y los que hay, muchos de ellos no son capaces de hacer una clase de inglés en inglés, de A a Z.
Es decir, muchos profesores de inglés en Chile no hablan inglés.
Los estudiantes que rindieron el Test fueron más de 200.000, todos de Tercero Medio, es decir estudiantes que han tenido a lo menos 5 años de inglés como parte de su malla curricular y algunos de ellos más de 5 años.
Qué hicieron esos 5 años?
Cuál es el nivel de logro de esos estudiantes y sobre todo, de esos profesores?
Es urgente aplicar un plan que tome en cuenta esta triste realidad y que analice el tema por todos lados:
* El tema de los actuales profesores de inglés: no solamente en cuanto a su propia capacidad de hablar Inglés sino también en términos del logro de resultados.
El entonces Ministro Bitar dijo alguna vez en visita a este Instituto: “el Inglés no es un ramo, es un idioma”.
Esta es una gran verdad. Los estudiantes, siguiendo la filosofía de enseñanza imperante en Chile por décadas, tienen muchos ramos y algunos de ellos, dependiendo de la carrera que sigan, es posible nunca más vean.
Un estudiante de derecho, más tarde abogado, es posible que nunca tenga que recurrir a la tabla periódica de elementos que aprendió alguna vez en Química, pero siempre tendrá que usar habilidades tales como saber escribir, saber leer, saber resumir, saber hablar, etc. Y por eso es correcto distinguir lo que puede ser un ramo a lo que puede ser un idioma.
El idioma inglés debe estar en las mallas curriculares porque debe ser una habilidad que los estudiante deben aprehender y aprender y por lo tanto practicar y por lo tanto terminará el colegio y terminará la universidad y el Inglés todavía va a estar ahí, ya sea como un capital para aquel que lo aprendió o como un tremendo obstáculo para aquellos que no le dieron la importancia que tiene y que por lo tanto se conformó con sacarse una nota azul y olvidarse del tema.
Y así es como la falta de manejo del idioma inglés nos persigue, nos pena.
Hay personas que postulan a cargos respecto de los cuales quedan eliminados de inmediato cuando queda en evidencia que no manejan el Inglés.
Hay profesionales estancados en sus carreras por la misma razón.
Hay artistas que quieren tener experiencias profesionales en el extranjero y no lo pueden hacer, `por el mismo motivo y así hay casos y casos de personas que entran en conciencia demasiado tarde sobre el tema y que tratan de aprender, sin resultados significativos. Porque resulta una verdad innegable el hecho que mientras más joven, es más posible el aprendizaje, no solo de un idioma, realmente de cualquier disciplina.
* Después tenemos el tema de la formación de nuevos profesores de inglés.
¿Están siendo formados con la modernidad que el desafío exige?
¿Pueden hacer una clase 100% en inglés?
¿Pueden motivar a sus futuros estudiantes a producir en el idioma inglés.
¿Creen en su misión?
* Transversal a estos dos puntos mencionados, está el tema de la metodología. Si en décadas y décadas que se ha enseñado inglés en los colegios, prácticamente nadie lo maneja, evidentemente tenemos que revisar la metodología usada.
El Instituto Chileno Norteamericano hace un llamado a todos a quienes les interesa este tema, a un debate sobre el tema metodológico y en general en torno al tema de identificar cuáles han sido los verdaderos obstáculos para el logro de resultados.
Pero esto último debe darse en el marco de una discusión con altura de miras y no como una larga queja sobre temas tales como “la falta de recursos”, “las clases muy numerosas”, “estudiantes desmotivados” etc. etc, ya que ese “ejercicio de quejas” realmente es inútil e improductivo.
Si fuera así, nunca un estudiante de un colegio público con clases de 40 o más estudiantes habría podido jamás aprender inglés o haber llegado a ser un gran profesional y todos sabemos que no es así.
La sociedad debe ponerse sus metas, debe analizar por qué lo que ha hecho antes no ha sido productivo y debe mirar al futuro con un plan consistente, realista y visionario al mismo tiempo.

SIMCE en Inglés: Resultados más malos de lo esperado | Edcamp Santiago

SIMCE en Inglés: Resultados más malos de lo esperado | Edcamp Santiago

Maintaining Classroom Discipline: The Show-Off (1954)


Maintaining Classroom Discipline                             No matter how much you know about what you teach, managing the classroom has to be effective to produce a learning environment that results in learning. As a teacher of English as a Foreign Language, that means you have to do three things very well: 
1. You know how to read, write, speak and understand English at a high level. 
2. You understand how children learn (pedagogy). 
3. You are able to manage the classroom so that learning can occur. 

In the video below, there are problems. We meet the class clown, the "show-off". Every class has one, in varying degrees. What's important is the behavioural management solutions you choose to use. It is not easy, and there are no tried and tested methods that work for all students. 

At the end of the video we are well aware of the problem. The problem is causing everyone in the school community a lot of concern. What to do about it?

The method of behaviour management chosen is to try to use peer pressure. In a classroom, the actions of peers, in fact, can hurt or help the class teaching and learning environment. Therefore, it is essential to study the pros and cons of this option closely.

"Peer Pressure"

It is essentially a question about the balance of power, fear, and the natural tendency of humans to not get involved in situations they recognise as wrong, but were not initiated by them. Yet, peer pressure is offered as an alternative, with no easy answers given. 

So, when would peer pressure be advisable, and when would it be not a very good idea? You have to decide for yourself, hopefully, well in advance of meeting the actual classroom situation... 

Finally, in this case, as shown in the video, do you think Peer Pressure is the best option, or would you try something different?

Video Source: 


Boudicca, Teens & Writing: 3 FREE Books!

Boudicca, Teens & Writing: 3 FREE Books!

What is the connection between these three books?
Price? Yes, of course they are all free today.
Author? Yes, I wrote each book.

What these books have in common is that Queen Boudicca and her three Teen daughters have inspired Academic Writing for centuries. The Roman historian Tacitus was the first to write about Boudicca and her daughters, in an academic style.
He knew he was writing for posterity, and his writing has stood the test of time. Tacitus, however, did not allow Queen Boudicca to tell her story. That is why I have written it, as she would have surely told the story. So, this is a woman’s story that every man should reaad…
FREE! Boudicca: Her Story
Teaching Academic Writing
Time to Teach Teens: The Extremes of Experience

Video: Amazing & Funtastic Books to Enjoy


There is joy, happiness and a smile to be found within the pages of these books.
This is the essence of my writing, to create an emotional bond with you. If I have failed you, please accept my apology in advance, and I shall try harder in my next book to meet your needs, the reader of my works…
- created at
The global search for high-quality education, embedded in high-performing education systems, has taken on mythical proportions, almost resembling the alchemists’ quest to turn common metals into gold.
It is my hope that the present day search for global education, equitable and providing equality of opportunity for all, shall not cease until the “gold” we seek, has been found.
I therefore dedicate this book to all the educators, researchers, parents and students the world over, who strive to achieve this elusive goal,high-quality education for all the citizens of the world.
In this endeavour, it is my belief that the International Baccalaureate merits a closer look, based on their more than 40 year history of delivering consistently excellent results.
I add that all of the reflections and views in this book are mine alone, unless otherwise noted, and can not be attributed to my employer or any other organization I am affiliated with, past or present. For any errors or oversights, I bear the complete responsibility.

domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012

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Publicado el 14/10/2012 por EdcampSantiago
There is joy, happiness and a smile to be found within the pages of these books. This is the essence of my writing, to create an emotional bond with you. If I have failed you, please accept my apology in advance, and I shall try harder in my next book to meet your needs, the reader of my works…
created at

#Boudicca & Her #Daughters: #Celtic #War #Queen

#Boudicca & Her Daughters: #Celtic War Queen

Boudicca. Who was she? Why was she so angry with the Romans? Why did she make the decisions that she did?
As in all historical fiction, we must ask: Was Queen Boudicca a real person?
The Roman historian Tacitus writes that she did in fact exist. Though the stories that people tell about her seem fantastic, there are surprising levels of consistency in the stories. This helps us to visualise her in our imaginations of what she must have looked like.
Frightening to look at, yet beautiful, these are contradictory aspects of her appearance which are often highlighted by writers who attempt to describe her. It is almost as if she is the ideal feminist. Boudicca is a mother, soft, gentle, attractive, sexy even, while at the same time possessing those traits of character and temperament that would strike terror and fear into the hearts of those who would oppose her will.
She is nearly always described in reverent, martial terms. She was tall, a red-head with long, flowing hair, and above all, exuding a fierce, warlike, penetrating aura of power. As the ruler of a tribe of Barbarians, this outward appearance would have been extremely useful for her.
Even her name, Boudicca, was special, since it meant, “Victory”. To this day, there are those who claim that England’s Queen Victoria was a descendant of Boudicca. Indeed, a monument of Boudicca, riding in a war chariot, was built by Thorneycroft, along the River Thames, in the shadow of Big Ben, to honor Queen Victoria. Victoria, was to rule England for sixty three (63) years.
Thanks to Tacitus, a person who lived close to the time period of the events which he records, we know that Boudicca was a Celtic Queen whose husband, King Prasutagus, had died, leaving her as the head of a fierce tribe of warlike barbarians, the Iceni, on the island of Britannia.
Prasutagus had been a realist and a pacifist with Rome, sending payments to Rome in exchange for peaceful coexistence. Boudicca, on the other hand, was an idealist. She felt Rome had no right to any of the wealth of the Iceni. Her decision would have dire consequences.
Further, we also know she had two daughters. These daughters would have been the heirs to the throne of the tribe which she led. Her daughters’ upbringing and physical well-being would have been a source of concern for her. After all, these were the future rulers of the Iceni tribe.
Into this scenario the events which Tacitus describes unfolds.
What Tacitus gives us, however, is history. History is always told from the vantage point of the victors. The voice of the losers is rarely heard. This is true of boudicca, even today. For instance, how many of you had ever heard of a Celtic Queen named, Boudicca before today? History gives little time and effort to deal with the tales of the vanquished…
So, what story does Tacitus tell us? He tells the story from the perspective of the Romans. In all the literature I have examined, there are none who have given us the story as Boudicca might have recorded it, if she had been the type of person to tell her story.
In this book, and the next books to come, we will explore the story of Boudicca, the events of 1066, William the Conqueror, the Norman Conquest, and follow Boudicca’s bloodline all the way to Queen Victoria and the Victorian Age.
I warn you in advance: the story of Boudicca, her daughters, their survival of the royal Iceni bloodline through the Norman Conquest and into the Victorian Age is a tale of strong women who were born into power and did not hesitate to bring all its destructive force to bear upon those who would challenge them.
Needless to say, “Boudicca: Her Story”, is only the beginning of a long, long, never-ending story about powerful women, the men who they favored, and the havoc which they invoked upon the island called, “Britannia”.
So, get the first book in the series: “Boudicca & Her Daughters” free. Reading this book will be like knowing why things are, the way they are, why things will be, the way they become.
To go on this voyage, from then and there, to here and now, you must read this free book, “Boudicca: Her Story“….
Book Description
Publication Date: February 18, 2012
What is deemed as “his-story” is often determined by those who survived to write it. In other words, history is written by the victors. The Roman historian, Tacitus, left us an account of the Roman victory over Queen Boudicca in the year A.D. 60-61.
Yet undeniably, every community has a memory of itself. Not a history, nor an archive, nor an authoritative record, but a living memory, an awareness of a collective identity woven of a thousand stories.
Now, with the help of the Roman historian Tacitus, I shall tell you Queen Boudicca’s story, her-story……